Tag: Campaign Planning
OSR Campaign Planning – House Rules
One of the big takeaways from OSR games is how easy they are to homebrew things. Sure balance isn’t much of a consideration but also from a mechanics standpoint. As I start the actual planning of a campaign I started looking at what house rules and/or homebrew things to include and so far I’ve got…
Which OSR Game to use?
Since I’ve decided to at least consider running an OSR game then the next question becomes…which OSR game? There are a lot of games that fall under this category and many of them are extremely similar since they’re largely based off the same chassis. Ultimately I narrowed it down to three games – Worlds Without Number, Dungeons…
Considering a New Campaign
From time to time, even when already involved in several games, the urge to start a new campaign hits. With the advent of digital tool and growth of online RPG communities it is easier than ever for many people (including our group) to play multiple games in a week. Without the need to drive to…